To Vishvamitra, in whose heart lies a whole universe
When I met your eyes
I felt at Peace
Knowing that Love
Was taking care of me.
Because it’s trough devotion
That we become an instrument
of Love
So shiny
That we can shine
The world around.
I was around
And was shined by you.
I am grateful
Because the sun is
At the same time
Subtle and concrete.
An unconditional star
That can be loved
As a big ball of fire
Or just
An indirect and tender
I’m grateful
Feeling that,
As the sun,
You can only shine
In such a subtle way
Because the source of what you do
Is something concrete and true
What your have is concrete
What you do is concrete
And every single action
Of receiving us
Feeding us
Listening to us
Driving us
I-Chinging us
Giving us your precious feedbacks
All of this is so
So, please,
Keep on smiling
– To yourself, first,
And then to the world –
Because that smile
Is one small thing
That makes us Great.
Gurucaran, January, 21st, 2013, Washington DC